The Impact of COVID-19

23 October 2020

While your work may be hugely restricted in these current turbulent times, there is still so much that you can do to help care for your supporters.

Coronavirus has had a huge impact on loss and grief. People have been forced to be apart, and may not have been able to spend time together at the end of a life. Families may have suffered multiple losses within a short space of time, and the usual support networks that they would rely on have been unable to meet. There are delays to paperwork, additional red tape, and delays and restrictions on memorial events and funerals.

So, with such a difficult environment to navigate, how can you help your bereaved supporters?

Get in touch
This is the time to reach out and offer brilliant supporter care, to be personal and relevant and to offer kindness. Although it might not be the right time to ask for money, supporters are likely to still want to be involved with your charity e.g. sharing a photo, talking about their loved one, adding their name to a webpage, so look for ways they can be involved.

Technology may be distant but it needn't be remote; it can still allow you to build a community with your supporters. Offering a video chat might let you connect better than a traditional phone call at the moment, when people are increasingly isolated.

Create the same personal connection that you normally do and find a way of expressing your care and concern. Virtual stewardship events can work very well and help you engage with supporters at a time when you cannot meet them in person.

Offer tribute funds
Setting up a tribute fund is a practical and comforting way to remember someone you've lost, which doesn't depend on social distancing, lockdowns or any other restrictions. It's entirely online, and families can connect and remember their loved one, no matter where they are in the world.

Difficult days
If you know a day will be difficult for a supporter e.g. an anniversary where they would normally visit a special place or meet up as a family, suggest other things they could do, and offer them a tribute page if they don't already have one. You could light a candle on a tribute page if they already have one, or just get in touch to let them know you're thinking of them.

Go digital
Consider ways to move memorial events to a digital platform; while digital ways of communicating may not be perfect, they can work in the current circumstances. Make sure that your online platforms and donation options are easily accessible and properly signposted on your website.

Make use of MuchLoved’s Dedication Pages for events such as ‘Light Up a Life’, creating bespoke campaign pages, included in our Partnership Packages.

Up to date information
One thing that often helps comfort bereaved families is knowing that their gifts have made a difference. You can help ensure that your messaging reflects how in-memory gifts are appreciated and the good they will do.

Also, don't forget to review and refresh your charity’s in-memory offer and signpost bereaved people to good support services. You could also include information for those wanting to hold a belated celebration once restrictions are lifted. If you don't make it easy for them to find this information, they are likely to look elsewhere.

For some more suggestions, read our blog on caring for bereaved supporters in a crisis.

Training & Support

New User Training

A series of short video guides for those new to MuchLoved, designed to help you get started using tribute funds.

Managing your service

Videos and guides on making the most of your MuchLoved service, including creating and updating tributes, events and much more.


Find out how you can create and run detailed reports, including reports on your donations and donor details.

Partner Resources

Find out about MuchLoved's free online webinars, our social media resources and our previous Partner Day training sessions.

Stewardship & Promotion

Top tips for supporting your tribute fund holders and promoting your tribute funds, including on social media.

Implementation & Set Up

Find out all of the ways your tribute scheme can be tailored to your charity, and all the technical information you need to get started.

Funeral Collections

Find out how your tribute service can collect funeral donations through your website as well as from tributes created by funeral directors.

Dedication Pages

Our standalone fundraising pages are free for our partners, and can be used for memorial events, celebratory giving and much more.

Bereavement Support

Practical tips and suggestions on working with bereaved supporters, as well as information on the impact Covid-19 on bereaved families.

Helpful Resources

Learn more about all of the additional useful resources and materials that we provide for our partners.

Meet MuchLoved

Find out more about us, how we were founded and meet the team who are here to help support you every step of the way.


We've put together the most frequently asked questions we receive on our support desk to help you get started.

© MuchLoved Limited 2024, Company Number 14965211.
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